
Vivocaz: 46% of accounts created in 1 month

46% of accounts created in 1 month, or 2861 new accounts

Vivocaz is a mobile application that makes up a vehicle's digital folder. It allows you to store all documents related to the vehicle, track maintenance, manage costs, estimate the value of the vehicle on the market and have access to partner offers.

Vivocaz – Spaag: The Encounter

When Vivocaz uses Spaag, they want to complete a first phase of acquisition advertising campaigns to find users online and boost the number of account creations to validate the app's potential.

Vivocaz's challenges

  • Creating and setting up advertising campaign structures
  • Identify the best audiences, visuals and messages for Vivocaz at the end of the first phase of testing
  • Multiply the number of account creations to show the app's potential

Strategy and levers put in place by Spaag


  • Created ads on Facebook Ads, Google Ads and Linkedin Ads.
  • Traffic generation, retargeting, lead generation and user generation.


  • Optimizing audiences to ensure maximum downloads, tracking keywords and the best visuals.


  • Refining conversion goals to allow for better follow-up.
  • Detailed and regular reporting to monitor performance trends.


  • Set up an editorial strategy and production of texts and visuals for advertising campaigns.

The results achieved

  • 46% of accounts created in 1 month, or 2,861 new accounts
  • 3391 downloads in 1 month

Like Vivocaz, use Spaag to help you achieve your growth goals with high-performance, scalable growth hacking strategies and millimeter execution.

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